Wavecontrol RF Instruments
Wavecontrol is an innovative radio frequency (RF) measurement and monitoring system manufactured in Spain. EMF/RF Solutions has brought Wavecontrol monitoring application to the US market. The system allows remote real time monitoring of multiple sites for RF radiation levels. High, low, average and an alarm function for RF levels above a set action level are only a few features of the iMap system. Please view actual measurement data of continuous site monitoring in Barcelona and Catalonia in Spain.
We have been using the Wavecontrol SMP meter with their cell site-specific frequency probe (WPT) for our RF measurements since 2010. We really love the instrumentation. It allows us to measure cell site frequency radiation only, without other frequencies interfering with other sources. The ability to conduct long-term data logging has opened a new capability for us. Long-term measurements which show us the amplitude variations over time; something a regular spectrum analyzer cannot do.
For more information about radio frequency testing, please contact us at 760-942-9400 or Info@EMFRF.com.