Scientists Urgently Call for Greater Precaution to Protect Health from Pervasive EMF Exposure Hazards Until Biologically Based Standards are in Effect.

blog_pictureScientists Urgently Call for Greater Precaution to Protect Health from Pervasive EMF Exposure Hazards Until Biologically Based Standards are in Effect. Finally, the infamous DECT technology has arrived on the shores of the United States. The International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, a scientific organization composed of concerned scientists worldwide, is issuing an urgent call for more health and safety protections against EMF hazards. The Venice Resolution was initially signed by forty-seven scientists, each who are in the forefront of their respective professional disciplines in conducting research on electromagnetic fields and health. The scientists state that recent epidemiological evidence on adverse effects of EMF is stronger than before and they take exception to the claim of the wireless communication industry that there is no credible scientific evidence to conclude there a risk.